Ruth Shriman (1910-1994) was a well known community activist, senior citizen's advocate and educator not only in Lakeview but the city of Chicago.
Mrs. Shriman worked to improve the lives of the elderly as a member of the Jane Addams Senior Caucus, championing such causes as affordable health care, medication and housing. She was president of the White Crane Wellness Center, a nonprofit center that provides senior citizens with a variet of preventative health-care services.
Mrs. Shriman also was a board member of the Lakeview Tenants Organization, chairwoman of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, a board member of the American Association of Retired Persons and a member of the Illinois Coalition for a National Health Service.
She was elected into the Chicago Senior Citizen Hall of Fame in 1980.
For most of her 17 years with the Chicago Board of Education, she taught at Nettelhorst grammar school on the North Side, retiring in 1976.
Deeply concerned about the housing situation of seniors in the Lakeview area who were being forced out of their homes by high rents, Ruth began to work towards housing those seniors. Now after many years, that dream is coming alive. The Interfaith Housing Development Corporation, the Jane Addams Senior Caucus and Lakeview Action Coalition have built at 4040 N. Sheridan Road...The Ruth Shriman House.
Community Room at the Dedication Ceremony, April 18, 1999.
Ellen with portrait of Mom in lobby