Let's say you want to put in a link that says, Click here to go to Google.
Well, you have to enclose the word "here" within a "Hyperlink tag." The form is:
<a href="http://www.whatever.com">here</a>
Step by step:
1. find the page you want to link to
2. copy the address
3. back at the blog, type whatever you want before the link. In our example, that would be Click followed by a a space.
4. then type <a href="
5. right after the double-quote, paste the address you copied at step 2.
In our example, that would be http://www.google.com
6. then type in a closing double-quote— " —to enclose the entire address in double-quotes
7. and type a closing angle-bracket: >
Now the whole address is enclosed in double quotes, and the whole tag is enclosed in angle-brackets.
8. next, type whatever words you want the link to be (the word here in the example)
9. then finish it off with this exact string: </a>
So what you would actually type into the comment form would be:
Click <a href="http://www.google.com">here</a> to go to Google.
What people would see is:
Click here to go to Google.
(make sure you put a space after "Click" and before "to go" or it will read: Clickhereto go to Google.)
You can do the same thing, only easier, to make words or phrases <b>bold</b> or <i>italicized</i>. None of these tags will show up after you submit your comment. People will just see bold or italicized words, or links.